Monday, March 19, 2012

Latest and Greatest of Savannah

My Savannah is growing soo fast. I can't hardly believe it. She will be 3 months at the end of the this month. She is a pretty good baby. My only beef with her is that she doesn't like going to bed until like 11 or 12. Then she wakes up at 8 or 9 and eats and will sleep until noon or 1 pm. Her idea of sleeping times are completely messed up. I'm not sure how I'm going to fix that. She is super sick right now.. I mean a terrible stuffy nose. One of those that makes you feel really bad because she sounds so miserable when she breathes. I suck the boogers out of her nose all of the time but it never seems to help. She just sounds so sad. I wish I could give her something to speed up her recovery. :-( Other than that she is developing rapidly. She loves loves loves to talk.. like a true girl and a daughter of mine. She seems to get even more excited when Shaun is talking to her. She must be a Daddy's girl. I was singing to her tonight and she started cooing like crazy. I think she must have been a member of the choir in heaven because she sure was trying to sing. It was super adorable. I have a video of her cooing a lot but it's part of a longer video so I'll have to edit it and put it up next time.

So we went to Utah for my cousin Mark's wedding and we stayed with Shaun's Grammy. She is such a nice Grammy and loves Jake and Savannah. They had a blast playing with her and her toys. The drive was relatively bearable considering we had to travel with a 2 month old and 16 month old. Savannah slept the first 6 hours of the trip and we didn't have to stop until Barstow. I guess that was a benefit of her weird sleeping schedule. The trip back wasn't as nice but we still made it home in less than 10 hours. I regret to say that I didn't take pictures of Savannah with any of her other relatives. I feel terrible that I didn't remember to take my camera to the wedding. I need to remember to take pictures of things like that. I'm starting to realize that I took a ton of pictures of Jake and I have been taking less of Savannah. It's already starting to happen like everyone said it would. I feel bad because I love Sav just as much I just don't have as much down time with the both of them as I did when I just had Jake. Having two kids is rough but I'm starting to get the hang of it. It seems to be the hardest in the morning and at night with trying to coordinate morning and nightime feeding. I feel like I'm doing a pretty good job at giving as much attention to Jake as I can but Savannah still dominates most of my time.

She's starting to get her little personality. I love her little smiles. She has these cubby little cheeks that Jake never had. I love it. She's looking like she is going to have blue eyes like Jake and I. Sorry Shaun.. maybe the next one will have brown eyes.

O those chubby cheeks

She is such a happy baby and I love spending time with her. She is already starting to sit-up inthe Bumbo. She has super awesome head and neck control. I'm surprised at how strong she is. I can't wait until her and Jake both get better so we can get outside and have some fun..

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