Monday, March 19, 2012

My Funny Jake

I love my little Jakey!! He is the best. He has such an awesome little personality. He makes us so happy and makes us laugh constantly. Some of the things he does:
*He loves to talk on the phone. He seems to always get mine or Shaun's phone and calls people all the time. On our way to Utah he called my Mom 11 times. He says "ay-o" and then will kind of babble, usually give some kind of yell and then say "ba-bye"!
*He is starting to say a lot of words. These are a few: socks ("sssa"), shoes - ("shew"),  nose ("no"), moo ("mmmmmmm"), crackers ("cwackers"), cookies ("cookies"), dada, mama, savannah ("na-na"), and some others that I can't think of right now.
* He knows where his basic body parts are now.
*He loves loves loves to dance. You turn on music and he starts to dance like crazy. He has this one dance move that Shaun calls "boot-to-the-moon" He picks up his leg and puts it out to the side and stomps it down. It's really funny to watch.
*He likes to kiss his sister. He always says "Hhhii" and then kisses her and then tries to hug her. It's super cute.
*He is ready to go to nursery. He gets along with kids pretty well unless they try to wrestle him to the ground; then he seems to get pretty upset. 

He still has the best faces. They remind me of Shaun more and more everyday!

Coloring with his friend Sammy. If you look at his forehead you will see evidence of Jake's other favorite pastime; hitting his head on everything. He fell and hit his forehead on the corner of our hallway. He looked a little like an alien for awhile because it was like a silver color.

He likes wearing hats like his Dad. And he likes covering his ears. I haven't figured out why yet.

Swinging at Aunt Vickie's in Vegas.

And.. he's done.

Playing with Aunt Vickie and his cousin Spencer

He crawled under the stool. I thought it was cute.

Just chilling with Haddie.

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