Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Savannah's Blessing

So we blessed Savannah, Sun Feb 5, 2012. We had a lot of friends and family there. Can I just say that it feels really good to have so many people show up. It just made me feel really loved and I needed that. So thank you to all of those friends and family out there who support us and encourage us. I really really appreciated it.

And I just want to tell all of you who read this that I have such an amazing husband. I love knowing that I have a husband who is strong and close to his Father in Heaven and is worthy to give me and our children blessings from him. I felt the Spirit show strongly when Shaun was giving Savannah her blessing. I know that Heavenly Father has some amazing things in store for Savannah based on that blessing. It was really powerful and I feel privilaged and honored to be entrusted with her here on earth.

Some of the things that she was blessed with was the strength and courage to stand up for what is right. And also with the ability to hold on the rod of the Gospel and use it as her stronghold. She was blessed to be a missionary and an influence others around her. Also to prepare to have children and marry in the temple. I particulary liked it when he said that she is a choice spirit and was held back until this time to come to earth.

 I'm so excited to have a little girl!! And I love my handsome boy of course. If the doctor told me tomorrow that I couldn't have any more kids, I would be sad but I would also be fine because I have two of the most perfect children to raise.. and one of each... boy and girl!! I hope they will be the bestest friends!!
I was really excited about Savannah's blessing dress. My Grandma, June Phillips made this dress for my blessing and all my sisters were blessed in it too. When my Grandma made this dress she had pretty bad arthritis which makes it an even more cherished dress because it took her awhile to make it. I'm sure it wasn't easy at all, especially looking at the top part of the dress. Thanks Grandma for making such a beautiful dress. I wish you were her to meet your Great-Grandaughter.

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